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10/7/2020 - 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-2019) Weekly Update #45 – October 6, 2020

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-2019)
Weekly Update #45 – October 6, 2020

COVID-19 Exposure at Presidential Fundraiser
The NJDOH and Somerset County Department of Health have received information from the management of Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, NJ and the White House. 

The White House supplied to New Jersey officials the names of at least 206 individuals who attended the events with the President in Bedminster. The New
Jersey Department of Health has reached out to these individuals to make them aware of possible exposure and recommend that they self-monitor for symptoms
and quarantine if they were in close contact with the President and his staff.

The Somerset County Health Department are interviewing staff members of the club and assessing the level of contact they had with the President and his staff and providing public health recommendations accordingly. Most staff reside in Somerset County. The contact tracing process is ongoing. 

Attendees that are seeking a test should consider waiting at least 5-7 days from the event. While the risk is low, a negative test earlier than that time cannot definitively rule out that COVID-19 will not develop. Those who are concerned that they were in close contact should quarantine for 14 days. 

If you attended the event, please contact your local health dept to alert them so they can help advise you on the public health precautions you should take.