2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-2019) Weekly Update #36 – July 28, 2020
Young People and COVID-19
A large percentage of new COVID-19 cases that have been reported have been young adults in their 20s and 30s. While much of the early information on COVID-19 indicated that the younger generation wouldn’t feel the more severe effects of COVID-19, young adults can still be carriers and spread the virus without knowing. But why? “Every individual is different, but generally speaking, I think it’s fair to say that young people tend to be less compliant with interventions like social distancing, quarantining in place, and mask use in public spaces,” says Jason Kessler, MPH, an infectious disease specialist at Morristown Medical Center in Morristown, New Jersey. Summer time means better weather and people wanting to get out more. That does not mean social distancing shouldn’t be followed. For more resources check out the CDC Young Adults Toolkit.
Isolation vs. Quarantine
There has been a lot of discussion around “quarantine” vs “isolation” and who needs to do what and for how long. Here is a quick list to define it all.
Quarantine –
• For anyone who has been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
• Stay home for 14 days after your last contact with the person who has COVID-19.
• Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath or other symptoms.
• Stay away from others as much as possible during this time.
• For people with confirmed COVID-19.
• Stay home except to get medical care.
• Stay in a separate room from other household members if possible and use a separate bathroom.
• Don’t share personal household like cups, towels or utensils.
• Avoid contact with other household members and pets.
• Wear a cloth face covering around other people.
• You can be around others after
1. At least 10 days after symptoms first appears.
2. 24 hours with no fever without fever reducing medications.
3. Symptoms have improved.
Quarantine If You Might Be Sick
Isolate If You Are Sick