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6/27/2018 - Somerset County Division of Transportation to Hold Public Hearing July 19

Somerset County Division of Transportation to Hold Public Hearing July 19

SOMERVILLE – Somerset County Freeholder Director Patrick Scaglione, liaison to the Casino Tax Advisory Board, invites county residents and others to voice their comments at a public hearing on Thursday, July 19, when the 2019 Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Program will be discussed.

The public hearing will be held at 10 a.m., in the first-floor conference room located at 27 Warren St. The Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Program is operated by the Somerset County Division of Transportation’s consolidated transportation program, which also operates the paratransit and public transit services. Approximately $532,000 will be granted to the program by The New Jersey Casino Revenue Fund.

All interested residents and agencies are encouraged to participate in the discussion. Those who cannot attend, or residents who would prefer to submit written comments and recommendations, must do so by July 18. Correspondence can be addressed to the Somerset County Division of Transportation, 2019 Casino Application, P.O. Box 3000, Somerville, NJ, 08876.

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